How Your Wardrobe & Writing Coincide

Founder of the brand GRAMMAR, Althea Simons is about as heart-centric and people-driven as designers come—not to mention she shares my love for editing in all forms, including defending the Oxford comma. Inspired by The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. & E.B. White., GRAMMAR creates foundational elements of a modern minimalist wardrobe.

Among many things, we talk about how she is solving the “perfect white shirt” dilemma for all shapes & style personalities, the notion of collaboration over competition within the industry, and why producing ethically and locally was the obvious choice for her.

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Pumping at Work: Are Your Wardrobe and Logistical Resources Ready?

Going back to work after maternity leave is a tough transition in and of itself. Add to that the logistical challenges for moms who are pumping. Today’s guest is Molly McKee-Seabrook, who founded Katie Jane Co—a clothing line of workwear for pumping moms—after she found herself with nothing professional to wear when she returned to her government office job after maternity leave.

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